Ethical Tech

PayPal, ADL announce initiative against criminal funding



In PayPal’s most recent efforts to fight racism and extremism across the industry, the financial gateway partners up with the Anti-Defamation League to investigate how extremists adopt financial platforms to fund their activity.  

PayPal and Anti-Defamation League’s (ADL) atypical collaboration initiates the first step to divert focus towards the importance of recognizing how extremists are leveraging financial platforms for criminal funding. 

The initiative will be guided through ADL’s Center on Extremism, one of the main authorities that addresses extremism, terrorism, and hate.  

“By identifying partners across sectors with common goals and complementary resources, we can make an even greater impact than any of us could do on our own,” said PayPal’s chief compliance officer Aaron Karczmer in a statement.  

“We are excited to partner with the ADL, other non-profit and law enforcement in our fight against hate in all its forms,” he added. 

The Financial platform alongside the ADL will create a partnership with civil rights organizations to secure marginalized communities from extremists.  

ADL’s fight against extremism has been going for decades, with its team of investigators, analysts, researchers, and technical experts who are constantly monitoring, and aiming to expose radical threats, whether on the internet or on the ground.  

Various civil rights organizations encouraged the developed efforts PayPal and ADL are putting to spread awareness and develop key insights that would optimistically minimize extremists’ efforts in funding their activities through any financial platform. 

One of the initiative’s biggest advocates is the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC). It considered this new partnership between the financial platform and the ADL as a stepping point to motivate such organizations to take initiative to proceed or initiate its own fight against extremism.   

“All of us, including in the private sector, have a critical role to play in fighting the spread of extremism and hate. With this new initiative, we’re setting a new standard for companies to bring their expertise to critical social issues,” said ADL’s CEO Jonathan Greenblatt. 

This is a clear demonstration how PayPal is working on broadening its reach on financial crimes capabilities, which will take place through multi-sector collaborations concerning any vital societal and community issues. 


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