
Edge Computing in the wake of the Pandemic



With the pandemic constantly challenging us to put our best tech forward, we hope to have lived up to the challenge, and maybe even more. COVID-19 really demonstrated how fast we can breathe life into new ideas and technologies that are already proving their value and worth.

A significant challenge that the pandemic has brought forward was the major disruption in global supply chains causing manufacturers to shift their attention towards more local means of production and distribution.

Enter edge computing, a term who’s meaning is really close to what it sounds like. It is when computing takes place at the “edge” of corporate networks with said edge being the place where end-devices access the rest of the network.

Think of it this way, in edge computing, the computing power comes closer to the end-user. At its core concept, it is the decentralization of computing by placing the workloads and processing capabilities as close to where the data is being created and where the actions are being taken.

Recent studies have shown increased findings for the edge computing market, as it is projected to reach a value of $26.62 billion by 2026 from its base value of $4.04 billion in 2020 with an impressive CAGR of 37.5 percent.

Without further ado, here are some of the most significant strong suits of edge computing that have helped us mitigate the pandemic.


With the pandemic forcing global economic activity to completely freeze up factories, storages, and warehouses in protection of workers – most companies put the pedal to the metal when it came to automation.

Edge computing will prove to be useful in helping companies reach their automation goals as the decentralized framework does not replace cloud computing – but rather complements it via enabling data processing to occur at the actual production site “the edge” causing lower latency, higher bandwidth, and reduced network overheads.

By equipping Industrial IoT devices (IoT) with edge-enabled data storge and computational capabilities, this opens the door for manufacturers to receive valuable and real-time insight into operations. This can also allow for the optimization of machine performance and predictive analysis to take place whereby it can identify and prevent equipment failure – saving high costs.

5G and Edge Computing

While the pandemic is proving that shorter supply chains are very risky, manufacturers can set up their production’s lines in a smart way to accommodate for fluctuating demands. With the help of 5G, IoT devices and systems, the right sensors, manufacturers can position themselves strategically to better meet this changing demands.

In terms of computing local traffic, 5G has the potential to allow tens of thousands of devices to access individual cells while edge devices undergo complex processing tasks. This is critical as it prevents the slightest loss of speed or connectivity or causing dangerous problems for services such as driverless transportation or industrial machinery.

The pandemic helped us realize just how important edge computing technologies are in keeping networks from overloading while transporting data from cloud to edge.


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