In a surprise move, India’s Department of Telecommunications (DoT) has decided to abandon 5Gi, as the local standard is known. While this follows opposition from telecommunications...
Nokia, China Mobile (CMCC) and MediaTek has successfully achieved, in a joint trial, a new Standalone 5G (SA) download speed record of 2.94Gbps (Gigabits per second). ...
Telstra and Ericsson announced their first deployment of Ericsson Private 5G, an on-premises devoted 5G network for an enterprise that uses a single-server 5G dual-mode core. The Australian...
Smart Communications partnered with leading 5G smartphone vendor Samsung to lead the development of 5G Standalone (5G-SA) technology in the Philippines. According to a press release,...
The institute Purple Mountain Laboratories, which is backed by the Chinese government, said that a research team had achieved a 6G-level wireless transmission up to a...
Finnish telecom equipment maker Nokia Tuesday said it is extending its partnership with Tele2 to deploy 5G RAN in Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania in a long-term...
ZTE Corporation and the Ningxia Branch of China Telecom completed the network construction for the cloud-network synergy project, employing device provisioning in a private industrial network...
In what seems like a response to a rapid growth in connectivity, India has formed a Technology Innovation Group (TIG) to prepare a manufacturing and services...
Each technology comes with different and complex sub-technologies and their criteria, and the fifth generation of wireless networks consists of many features, including the 5G UC....
The Spanish government published the new radio spectrum plan, implementing the latest decisions by the ITU, EU and other standards bodies, including the process to auction...