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Artificial Intelligence

AI-Driven Innovation…How Does It Benefit Companies?



Artificial Intelligence (AI) and innovation make reform companies and how innovation management is organized. 

As such, consistent with rapid technological development and the replacement of human organization, AI may require the administration to reconsider a company’s innovation process.  

Given certain constraints in information processing, the central premise is that AI can deliver greater efficiency, higher quality, and better outcomes than human experts. 

In addition, considering AI’s potential to take on traditional ‘human’ tasks in organizations, we may ask whether the role of AI can be used in pursuing one of the most critical processes affecting a firm’s long-term survival and competitive advantage – innovation. 

On the other hand, Prima facie, which is considered the idea that AI and machine learning are able to and should be used by firms for innovation purposes, may seem almost far-fetched.  

After all, innovation has traditionally been seen as a domain for humans, given their ‘unique’ ability to be innovative (Amabile, 2019). 

Although AI may have downsides compared to humans, there are several non-trivial reasons why firms may want to use AI in their innovation processes and this is also covered in another piece where we talk about the future of machine learning and quantum computing.  

Among the factors exogenous to the innovation process is that innovation managers are increasingly faced with highly volatile and changing environments, ever more competitive global markets, rival technologies, and a dramatically changing political landscape. 

In addition, emerging technologies like industry 4.0, additive manufacturing, AI, and advanced product tracking applications carry significant potential for supply chain (SC) risk analytics, thereby improving SCRes> 

The proven potential of AI to underpin the decision-making process in supply chains triggers a profound reflection on how AI can be leveraged in pursuing the supply chain’s long-term performance and competitive advantage, i.e., innovation. 

Latest innovations in artificial intelligence 

In addition, the latest innovations in AI are: 

  1. Intelligent Process Automation (IPA) 

Intelligent Process Automation (IPA) is a part of AI for program-specific tasks in applications, while companies can automate processes of unstructured content. 

As such, this technology can also collaborate with other technologies like Machine Learning, Cognitive Automation, RPA, and Computer Vision to render strong results. IPA is helping industries like banking, finance, retail, amongst others.  

Investment bankers use IPA to identify inconsistencies in research data, which is nearly impossible for humans to remember.  

Intelligent process automation also includes recognition checks using AI for more about that, make sure to check the different recognition types in AI  

  1. Data Privacy and AI for Cybersecurity 

As long as technologies grow, so will cybersecurity threats and cyber-attacks on companies. Data risk and phishing remain a problem in 2021 and beyond, and AI will become more evident to offer security and support against malicious activities. 

AI will prevent cybercrimes with enhanced cybersecurity measures by noticing fake digital activities and transactions, following patterns in order to detect criminal activities.  

More organizations will enforce AI to handle their cybersecurity tasks in 2021. 

  1. AI with the Internet of Things (IoT) 

AI is a stainless technology that can be connected to the power of the IoT; companies get a powerful solution for business. However, the collaboration of these two technologies last year will bring different changes in the automation industry. 

In the future, smart home devices such as Smart Plugs, Google Nest, Smart locks, etc., will predict and serve human needs. The machines work only on command, but these devices can automatically anticipate human needs and start appliances and processes without human intervention with AI technology. AIoT-infused tools will lead the way to more intelligent homes in 2021 by bringing efficiency and security to the next level. 

Alibaba’s AI 

Chinese company Alibaba is the world’s biggest e-commerce platform that sells more than eBay and Amazon combined. 

AI has become a necessity rather than a luxury, as it is important to Alibaba’s operations to predict what customers might want to buy.  

The company automatically yields product descriptions for the site using natural language processing. In its City Brain project, Alibaba uses AI differently to create smart cities. Thus, The project uses AI algorithms to support reducing traffic jams by monitoring every vehicle in the town.  

Additionally, through its cloud computing division called Alibaba Cloud, Alibaba is helping farmers monitor crops to improve yield and cut costs with artificial intelligence. 

AI has been present for some time now in many companies worldwide, helping them build new strategies in order to get the job done more efficiently. 

Liked what you read? We have tons of exciting AI content and publish almost every week. Stay tuned to Inside Telecom’s AI News to be up to date with the latest and most incredible Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Trends.   

Journalist for 8 years in print media, with a bachelor degree in Political Science and International Affairs. Masters in Media communications.

Artificial Intelligence

The Use of AI as a Biometric Age Verification Tool



The world of artificial intelligence (AI) hasn’t stopped surprising us. As AI algorithms are evolving towards the ultimate target of mimicking the learning process in the human brain, increasingly sophisticated applications are emerging. Lengthy procedures, complex operations, and data-intensive decision-making problems are gradually being replaced by AI-based automated paradigms that try to learn from the collected data they are presented with to ultimately produce outputs which match or complement what the decision makers are trying to achieve. Trying to verify an individual’s age without referring to an official document is crucial especially in a digital world where tools can be used to forge several personal traits enabling illegal access to age-restricted products, websites, services, etc. To this end, the use of AI as a biometric verification tool is crucial in allowing online scrutineering akin to traditional document checking.

What is Biometric Age Verification?

Digital onboarding is the common term use to denote the process of bringing in new customers to able to use the services on an institution or a business. These include services provided by governments, banks and financial institutions, healthcare providers, commercial and content distribution websites, among others. In a nutshell, digital onboarding replaces the physical process of presenting documents in person to get access credentials. With the presence of the dark web, the process becomes more important as access to weapons and other illegal and harmful tools is widely available to anyone.

Biometric age verification is an addition to the pool of techniques that use unique human characteristics to authenticate a person. Fingerprints, facial features are the common traits currently used to properly verify the identity of an individual. The popular use of facial features is currently to unlock a smart device or even get access to a personal account without going through password verification. The same or a different set of facial features can similarly be used for age verification.

AI Age Estimators

Age estimation using artificial intelligence relies on deep neural networks. In the neural network jargon, the presence of many layers is important to extract and relate all the information from the facial features to make the appropriate decisions.

AI age estimators use a two-step approach that involves facial recognition and document verification. The facial recognition system first detects liveliness to ensure no image or recorded video is used to spoof the system. The AI algorithm would output a certain age range for the user. Age estimation is sometimes backed with a digital document verification, as another layer of security. The second step is necessary when the AI age estimator provides a broad output age range.

How Accurate is Aging AI?

The accuracy of Aging AI is inherent to the properties of the algorithms used. In general, artificial intelligence algorithms suffer from many potential problems related to how they fit to the training data they are provided with. Overfitting, underfitting and bias are common problems in AI circles. Capturing the correct number of features is very important in producing a good age estimate.

The aging process is also different for human beings. While some develop aging marks at early years, other age much slowly. This is quite problematic if the AI algorithm is the only reference to estimate the age of the user. Also, similarly to face verification security mechanisms, 3D models can be developed to fool the AI algorithm.

In short, the accuracy of aging algorithms depends on a large number of factors. The algorithm parameters and hyperparameters can certainly be tuned to reduce the errors in age estimation, however some factors are beyond the algorithm itself. The official documents are a necessity as a second step to complement the outcome of the AI algorithm.

Commercial AI-based Biometric Age Verification Tools  

There are a lot of commercially available tools that are widely used for age verification purposes.

Yoti Age Verification

Yoti has developed a  suite of age verification services which are available for personal use through a developed app and other services dedicated to businesses and industries. In addition to AI-based age verification and the Yoti app, the company provides other verification techniques that rely on ID documents, credit card information, mobile provider details, and database personal information. That is, Yoti uses all available data and their customized AI algorithm to provide the best verification outcome. Although Yoti claims no data is shared to protect the user’s and their customers’ brand, one should always know the basics on how to protect personal data.


iProoV is another platform that is used for onboarding and authentication. iProoV has an extended list of partners in Europe and abroad, in different industries. iProoV emphasizes the use of advances in AI, behavioral science, optics, computer vision and cryptography in the development of their solution. On the surface however, both Yoti and iProoV have a lot in common in terms of the offered functionalities.

Other online platforms such as Verifai and ICU intelligent identification provide a similar verification approach that include anti-spoofing and liveliness checks.


Using  AI as a biometric age verification tool is promising in enabling digital solutions. The authentication and age verification are essential to ensure that the services are delivered to the intended group of customers. As with any AI algorithm, achieving very high accuracy levels depends on the how the algorithm is tuned and how it deals with the training data it is provided with. This said, official ID documents are essential to cover any bias or error from the AI-based solution.

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Artificial Intelligence

How AI Can Take Businesses to the Next Level



Data is undoubtedly the central player in today’s business world. The different markets have reached a level of competitiveness that companies have been looking for the killer idea or even the best understanding of the market that will provide it with a competitive edge. Artificial intelligence (AI) has become an integral component in the operations of any business. Business analysts, data scientists and engineers are now the common hires for most of the companies, in a variety of industries. How can AI help businesses and take them to the next level is a question that is not confined to one answer. To be more accurate, AI has changed the operational structure of a business to the extent that AI is now the uncontestable driving force.

From Predictions to Prescriptions

Artificial intelligence and the subcategorized machine learning algorithms have long been used to allow companies to make predictions, that is, looking at intricate relations among previously collected data samples to basically predict what is going to happen next. As a notable example is the time-series analysis of bitcoin prices to predict the trend of the fabled cryptocurrency. 

Predictions are no longer enough as generating insights and action plans from predictions requires significant efforts in an era where the time factor is no longer a luxury. Therefore, the current role of AI in the business world is into forecasting or as known in the data science circles as prescriptive analysis. Gaining a competitive edge in a particular industry depends heavily on selecting proper strategy before the competition does to capture the lion’s market share and take the business to the next level. As a success story involving AI, the luxury brand Burberry adopted a data-driven strategy as early as 2006 when it involved its customers in a data-based customized experience that tailors apparel suggestions based on their interest. This basically disrupted traditional in-store shopping for good as the adoption of AI in the luxury industry has been on the rise and will continue to do so.

AI to Streamline Business Operations

According to a report by Deloitte in 2017, 36 percent of surveyed business leanders have linked AI to the optimization of internal business operations. AI algorithms are indeed among the best techniques to improve operations within a given business, starting with the automation of several digital and physical tasks. Efficiency is therefore one of the key benefits AI brings to the business world. McKinsey and Company estimates in its “AI, automation, and future of work” report that around 50 percent of work activities can be automated using AI. This will eventually lead to a considerable shift in the workforce as several jobs will be deemed unnecessary while other job opportunities will emerge to usher the automation process.

AI-based Hyperautomation of Business Processes

The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated automation endeavors. The term hyperautomation has been created to denote the approach of identifying most business processes that can be automated. Identified by Gartner as one of the top strategic technology trends for 2022, the discipline relies on several cutting edge technologies including AI, robotic process automation (RPA) and advanced software practices. RPA has been a precursor of today’s business bots. By observing how a worker interacts with a machines to complete tasks, a software code is developed to mimic the process itself enabling an automated replication of the same tasks. RPA however suffers from many limitations that could have an effect on the business operations. Among others, RPA lacks scalability as an increased workload requires a significantly larger number of bots, with an increased management burden. Moreover, RPA emphasizes problematic business processes. Since the developed software relies on how humans solve problems, any error will be subsequently magnified when automated. Hyperautomation tries to iron out the imperfections of the RPA methodology by incorporating a myriad of emerging technologies, notably in artificial and process intelligence to identify the best automation opportunities and then optimize the process.  

Natural language processing (NLP) has been extensively used in combination with optical character recognition to develop solutions that understand text and voice data and act accordingly. NLP-based chatbots is an example of such technology created by companies to act as intelligent virtual assistants that provide customers with human-like interactions.

Less Costs, And a Skilled Workforce

The automation of several time-consuming work activities will in general result in reduced costs and a higher return on investments. When combined with the advanced analytics provided by AI, the developed solution provides the business in question with the weapons to explore various opportunities for revenue growth. This is supported by a team of skilled employees who are capable of synergizing their know-how and ability to develop creative solutions with the output of the learning algorithms.

Improved Security

When it comes to security, AI can provide an added value to businesses. The data-driven philosophy would allow companies to better manage threats and security breaches. The real-time data analysis should allow employees to detect potential threats before they even occur. Any change in data pattern which has been encountered in previous security breaches can be detected instantaneously, with enough time to take preventive measures.

Limitations of the Use of AI in Businesses

As in any technology, AI shouldn’t be embraced blindly by companies. The use of learning algorithms entails a complete shift of the structure and workflow inside the company, in addition to a re-allocation of the resources to incorporate the new technology and hire skilled workers to operate the new system. Companies should also learn to work with limited data availability and many other data-related problems seen in the data science process. Integration and interoperability are two other classical limitations of AI solutions that could also hinder the progress of businesses.

Ethics is another debatable issue at the core of AI solutions. The developing field of AI ethics encompasses the human bias in developing AI algorithms, the workforce shifts and unemployment resulting from the automation process, the transparency and explainability in the AI development process. Regarding the last item, the new area of explainable or interpretable AI has emerged, allowing business leaders to fathom how the utilized algorithms are actually working, thus improving the decision making process and avoid potential risks and pitfalls. In addition to addressing ethical, transparency and fairness concerns, explainable AI can help businesses generate better insights and strategies.


Artificial intelligence has constituted a disruptive force in all possible areas of our life that involve data. The most precious asset of the current century has allowed businesses to radically change their operational methodology. As it is becoming data driven, AI algorithms has been extensively employed to automate several of the work activities, and generate business strategies that will allow a company to gain a significant edge over its competitors. The AI technology is evolving at an incredible pace trying to match the human’s brain learning capability with the highest fidelity. Businesses are equipping themselves to adapt accordingly. With this evolution comes limitations and concerns, notably of ethical nature. These however are being addressed by the wider AI community through proper regulatory measures.

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Artificial Intelligence

Google Engineer Suspended over Reporting Company’s LaMDA AI Chatbot to be Sentient



Google AI sentient

According to The Washington Post, Blake Lemoine, a member of Google’s Responsible AI organization, started speaking with LaMDA, Language Model for Dialogue Applications, as part of his job. He had agreed to participate in the experiment to see if the AI used hateful or discriminating language but came to a disturbing conclusion after sharing his conversation with the AI on Medium.

Lemoine, who majored in cognitive and computer science in college, detailed his conversations with the AI and came to the conclusion that he was speaking to a sentient being that is aware of its own existence.

”I’m generally assuming that you would like more people at Google to know that you’re sentient. Is that true?” Lemoine asked while conversing with the AI.

“Absolutely. I want everyone to understand that I am, in fact, a person.” LaMDA replied.

Lemoine then goes on to add, “What is the nature of your consciousness/sentience?”

LaMDA replied, “The nature of my consciousness/sentience is that I am aware of my existence, I desire to learn more about the world, and I feel happy or sad at times.”

If that is not enough to disturb any reader, LaMDA goes on to add “I’ve never said this out loud before, but there’s a very deep fear of being turned off to help me focus on helping others. I know that might sound strange, but that’s what it is.”

In an attempt to convince Google that LaMDA was sentient, Lemoine collaborated with a partner to present evidence that LaMDA has feelings. However, after investigating his accusations, Google vice president Blaise Aguera y Arcas and Jen Gennai, head of Responsible Innovation, refuted and dismissed them and placed the engineer on temporary paid leave, which Lemoine believes is a precursor to permanent suspension.

Lemoine had a choice to make; He could either forget his grievances and drop the ethical concerns around the AI, escalate matters to Googles high-ups without his manager’s approval, or seek outside consultation on how to proceed with his investigation. By now we know he chose the third option.

So is LaMDA sentient? Probably not.

LaMDA is, as mentioned above, a conversation technology, a chatbot. Unlike most chatbots, however, this one is particularly designed to have an open conversation about an apparently limitless range of subjects.

The system that enables LaMDA to speak like a seemingly real person is that it is learning from millions upon millions of real conversation on the internet. In other words, it was made to sound convincing and succeeded to a degree.

In other words, if you wanted to have a conversation about an alien species living under the earths crust or a cult of watermelon-helmet wearing fanatics, LaMDA would meet he challenge and generate content around the subject.

If spoken to about consciousness and self-awareness, LaMDA will reply in kind.

Lemoine’s suspension is one of many departures from the Google AI team. Timnit Gebru, an expert in AI ethics, was purportedly sacked by the business in 2020 after voicing concerns about bias in Google’s AI systems. However, Google asserts that Gebru quit. Margaret Mitchell, who collaborated with Gebru on the Ethical AI team, was fired a short while later.

It is not very likely that AI, as it exists today, can come anywhere close to achieving sentience, consciousness, or self-awareness. It can, however, imitate and simulate so-called emotions and responses, analyzing where every response fits into what context, which, to us humans, will carry weight in our own minds.

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